Forrest Camp is a professional outdoor community. Their main aim is to open up eco-tourism to every section of the society and gather all the people having an outdoor-based lifestyle together to encourage beginners in this journey.
As a veteran camper, backpacker, and outdoor-lover, the branding process of the Forrest Camp was one of the most exciting and enjoyable parts of my entire career. But let’s come to the point.
I know it reminds you of the famous movie “Forrest Gump.” It’s normal because I inspired by the film. By being so similar to, but at the same time, having a completely different meaning than the well-known and loved movie name, Forrest Camp is the name you never forget or struggle to remember once you meet with it.
In the development process, the original form of the name was Forest Camp. Simple as that. It visualizes nature, green, relaxation, and the main activity that the brand offers – camping. Clear, smooth, relevant. However, it felt like the cream on the top of coffee was missing – the concept. But then…
I found my “Eureka!” I suddenly asked myself: “What if I add one more “R”?” Here it is, now we have a rocking concept thanks to an additional letter.
“Forrest” instead of “Forest” immediately sends signals to the subconscious of the customers to relate it with the pure feelings they got from the “Forrest Gump” movie before.
Moreover, “Forrest” rather than “Forest” let us spell it separately as For Rest, which is precisely the idea and feeling the brand tries to convey to its customers.
Again, we stick to our concept here, as well.
Do you remember the famous quote from the before-mentioned movie? Let me remind it you: “Run, Forrest, Run!”
These lines from the movie describe the idea behind the well-known quote explicitly: “Listen, you promise me something, OK? Just if you’re ever in trouble, don’t be brave. You just run, OK?”
Coming to our tagline, I changed the quote to “Camp, Forrest, Camp!”
Three words are enough to urge people to prepare for their next camping event by relating camping with running in their minds – running from stress, crowded cities to the green nature that is full of relaxation.
It’s pronounced quickly and supremely related to the naming and the whole concept.
May 2017